authentic  |  Unique  |  Real

you're in the right place

photos to admire for generations
Yakima, WA Senior + Family Photographer

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OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I'm so glad that you made your way here! We are going to have so much fun together!!! I have a passion for capturing memories for people to cherish and admire for generations.  A few things I love... my hubby, Ryan, my fur babies, Guillermo and Clarke, a good Cocomo Freeze from Dutch Bros, and a classic Peppermint Hot Chocolate, or mocha if I'm feeling feisty.  I like to describe myself as a Jesus obsessin', Converse wearin', popcorn munchin', picture snappin', puppy cuddlin' hype girl that you've needed your whole life

well hey there,
i'm lexi

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