the girl behind the camera and your ultimate hype girl

hi, i'm lexi

I've just always been a little bit entrepreneurial, even from a young age. My sister was joking with me not that long ago that once I graduated high school, everyone knew that I wasn't going to be working for anyone but myself from there on out. And let me tell ya, she wasn't wrong.  I absolutely love working for myself and the freedom that it gives me.  I love waking up every morning, sipping my coffee, and cuddling my puppy before I sit down at my computer in my joggers and a sweatshirt.  As you can see from the photo above, that is definitely my work uniform

Let's start off with a fun fact about me... my name is actually Alexis! I know, shocker, I seriously have never gone by Alexis. My mom wanted to make sure that I knew my name growing up, so she refused to let anyone call me Lexi for the first year of my life, but it didn't really work out lol. I've always kind of been the grey sheep of my family. I'm not quite the black sheep because I am very similar to what my family wanted to be, but I'm a lot more independent and free thinking than the rest of my family. I started this business when I was a senior in high school and my entire family was shocked. 

So, that handsome guy over there, that's my husband, Ryan. We've been married since November 2019 and he's kinda my favorite person ever.  We don't have a whole lot in common, which I've always thought is funny, but when we first met we were like instant friends and everything just progressed from there.  Since 2019, we've moved away from our home town, started careers, bought a house, and welcomed two adorable fur babies into our home.  I seriously love doing life with this man and he is so supportive of this journey that I am on.  I seriously couldn't ask for anyone better, he's my perfect match

So, as you can see from the numerous photos of myself on this page, I am not your typical "skinny".  My whole life, I have always been extremely self-conscious about my body.  I've been on numerous diets, gone through exercise phases, and had an eating disorder.  And let me tell ya, none of that is fun to go through.  About a year ago, I started realizing how amazing our bodies are and how much they do for us.  My body got me through the hardest times in my life and brought me here.  Maybe it's a little more squishy than it was a year ago, but that's what I needed to survive.  You are beautiful, no matter what your body looks like.  God knitted you together in your mother's womb to be beautiful.  We are all so beautiful to Him because we are created in His image.  If we're created in the image of our Creator, why are we so hard on ourselves?

some things that are important to me...

Oh my fur babies, my pride and joy, my cuddle buddies.  Our first fur baby was Clarke, she is a 4-year old Russian Blue rescue.  We got her less than a week after moving to the Tri and we are obsessed with her.  She is Ryan's cat by far, she even thinks that my side of the bed if hers. And yes, she is a girl named Clarke, she was named after one of our favorite characters in the show "The 100", which was the first show that we watched together.
Now our canine fur baby is my little buddy.  Guillermo is a Pomeranian Mix and he is 1-year old.  We adopted him when I was in a really dark place and he honestly got me through my depression.  He is extremely rambunctious and loves to play and bother his sister.  He is named after our favorite character from the show "What We Do in the Shadows", if you haven't watched it, it's pretty funny

Now, this may seem like a strange thing to add in my about me section, but it's my section and I can do what I want lol.  "The Office" is my absolute favorite show! I first watched it when I was 16 and I am on my 18th watch through right now.  Yes, I have watched the same show 18 times in the past 6 years, don't judge me.  I can quote any episode from any season and will probably be able to tell you the name of the episode and where it fits into that season.  It's a little bit of a sickness, but I love it.  Safest gifts to get me are definitely "The Office" related.

my fur babies

body positivity

my hubby

'The Office'

in no particular order


Working with Lexi was a 10/10 experience!!! She made me feel comfortable from start to finish and hyped me up the whole way. I felt beautiful while taking the pictures which made me love the finished products even more. She provided high quality images that were super easy to download. She was super straightforward with everything which was refreshing knowing what I was in for. If you are looking to get your pictures done, especially senior ones, I would definitely recommend looking into her and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
